About Us

The GRCA National Specialty traverses the country, cycling through the Eastern, Central, and Western regions in each successive year. For each of 82 years, The GRCA National has been hosted by one of our many local clubs.

In part, due to the logistical challenges of taking on the ever-increasingly complex GRCA National, along with the potential benefit of having a consistent National leadership model in place, in 2021, GRCA assumed the National Specialty leadership role to begin in planning the 2023 GRCA National Specialty. 

So here we are! We are a group of dedicated members and fanciers who are working diligently to continue in the tradition of our local host clubs and hold amazing Nationals. But we could use your help! Please complete the sign-up information below and we will reach out to you!

Volunteer Sign Up

Are you looking for a way to support your club? Please provide your contact information below amd we will reach out to you!

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